Tuesday, 9 February 2016

Psalm 110 Take a seat

Psalm 110

This is another of David's Psalms.

This one is pretty widely regarded as prophetic and looking forward to the coming of Jesus.

Jesus himself quoted part of this Psalm "The LORD said to my lord "Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool for your feet"

The Psalm itself talks about God extending the rule to the nations.

The book of Hebrews in the New Testament (that we will probably get to in a couple of years!) also quotes this Psalm referring to verse 4 "You are a priest forever in the order of Melchizadek"

If you recall back in Genesis Mechizadek was a priest and king of Salem at the time of Abraham.

Abraham recognised him as a priest of God and gave him a tithe (10%) of all he had.

The idea of a priest king seems not that unusual here in the UK - where the queen is head of the church of England - Israel had separation of religion of government and priesthood, the priests were descendants of Aaron and Moses while the kings came from several families

The Psalm talks about David and his army with God at the head crushing kings on the day of his wrath, and judging the nations, heaping up the dead and crushing the rulers of the earth.

However, for me, today - I don't know.
I believe that there is a day of judgement when God will call men and women and nations to account. I hope on that day that I'll be on God's side by faith.
I believe that people will be judged and held to account for their deeds and what they did not do and also I believe it is not my job to actually judge these people.

I don't think that people of faith should, like Isalamic State or IS or Daish or whatever they call themselves, wage physical war to coerce people into agreeing with their probably quite warped mindset, wiping out treasures and places of worship that do not fit into their world view.

People may say "Surely Mark, if there is one thing from your reading of the Bible to date it is that Israel were practically commanded by God to do all these things." IS it just a matter of time between Israel and IS - aren't they on the same war? 

I think my answer is NO! - ISIS propoganda shows executions of "infidels" and messages that Sharia law will be imposed on all peoples - I find the Bible has many occasions where Israel does not try and impose Hebrew law on the neighbours - quite the contrary - Israel was particularly bad at obeying the first of the 10 commandments.

Unlike ISIS - I believe that God does call people who will willingly follow him and also that most of these people will make a positive impact on the world.