Sunday 15 December 2013

Deuteronomy 23&24 Tidy camping

Deuteronomy 23

Certain people are not allowed into the assembly of the Israelites - including emasculated men, foreigners who would not let Israel pass through their land - even until the 10th generation. I don't know if this was rigorously enforced.

There are some rules here about camping and siege warfare- a separate location outside camp is reserved for a latrine and the kit of every soldier included a trowel for burying his excrement. I guess this is a form of disease control.

There are some general laws for the next bit

  • If a slave runs away they are to be given freedom to stay in Israel and not returned to their previous owner.
  • Don;'t make an offering to God of the proceeds of prostitution and don't become a shrine prostitute.
  • Don't charge interest on a loan to a fellow countryman (how many wish that our banks would take this one on?) but Israelites may charge interest on money lent to other nations - historically this is one reason Jews became money lenders.
  • If you make a promise to God it is best to get on and fulfil it, but it is not compulsory to promise in teh first place.
  • This is a bit of an odd one - if you walk through a farm, field, vineyard or orchard you may eat while you pass through but you cannot take anything with you in a pocket or basket or harvest with any tools.
Deuteronomy 24
  • If a man marries and later changes his mind, he can divorce his wife, but if she marries and divorces again, the couple may not get back together - I seem to recall controversy in the USA a while ago when a divorced couple re-married (the husband was in politics)
  • A recently married man may not be conscripted into military service for the first year.
  • Don't take a persons method of earning a living in surety of a loan 
  • If anybody is caught kidnapping it is to be treated as seriously as murder as is selling a kidnapped person as a slave.
  • Infections skin disease is to be treated very seriously and has to be inspected by the priests. These days I think a doctor would be better than your local priest! (Who may be nonplussed if you show him your rash!)
  • Don't enter a persons house to take a pledge for a loan wait outside. If the person is poor you should return the pledge before nightfall as this is good in God;'s eyes and helpful for the person.
  • If you are hiring people make sure that you pay them promptly - if they are working for a daily wage pay them on the day.
  • Don't punish parents for the actions of their children, nor children for the actions of their parents. I watched an interesting program on TV a while ago where they interviewed the children of some of the notorious characters of the German Third Reich, these people I feel sorry for them as they have to live with the actions of their parents.
  • Justice is not to be denied foreigners, widows or orphans it is open to all.
  • If you are harvesting  don't forget the poor and don't take every grain, go back multiple times over fruit trees and vineyards, the leavings are to be left for poor, widows, orphans and foreigners.

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