Thursday, 20 February 2014

1 Samuel 18 Popularity contests

1 Samuel 18

Following the success of David and Israel against Goliath and the Philistines, Saul keeps David permanently on his staff, and David and Saul's son Jonathan, the heir to the throne at this stage

However the praise of the women soon becomes a source of irritation to the king as he hear sthat "Saul has killed his thousands, but David tens of thousands"  
Saul by degrees becomes jealous of David and eventually his thoughts turn dangerous for young David.
One day Saul is listening to David playing on a bad day, when he decides to try and spear him, twice!

Saul eventually decided to try and get somebody else to kill off David by offering his daughter in marriage to David in exchange for the foreskins of the Philistines (who were typically never circumcised like the Jews) 

David managed to resist the temptation with Saul's older daughter, but his younger daughter had fallen very much in love with David 

David agreed to pay a bride price of 100 philistine foreskins for Saul's younger daughter, Michal . In fact, it would be embarrassing to mis count on something like this and he kills 200 philistines who would be unlikely to allow an involuntary circumcision as adults!

The relationship between Saul and David seems to be rather odd, Saul has great faith in David's obvious talents, though doing his best to get him killed. He has joined his family line with David and his son is David's best friend.

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