Saturday 28 June 2014

2 Kings 6+7 More of Elisha's adventures

2 Kings 6
Elisha asked Elijah for a double portion of the Spirit of God given to Elijah - I am informed that for every miracle that Elijah performed, Elisha performed 2 - at least that is what is recorded.

To start with a company of prophets decide to build a club house by the river Jordan with each prophet bringing a contribution of a pole, and they ask Elisha to join them in their endeavour.
Suddenly (in what today would be a reportable near miss accident) an axe head flies off the axe that some prophet is using and splash it lands in the river.
The priorities of these guys is a bit screwy if you ask me - his first concern is that the axe was borrowed. Not that the axe was unsafe!
When I was at University somebody turned on a lathe where the chuck (the bit that holds the piece of work secure while it turns) had not been properly attached. This chuck which is solid steel about 15 cm deep and 25 cm diameter flew off - bounced off a wall, span for a bit on the floor and then took off down the workshop - I tell you I was glad to be wearing safety glasses on that occasion - not to mention safety boots. Though had it hit anybody it would have made a real mess regardless of safety boots or glasses. 
Anyway "health and safety gone mad" put aside for a moment, Elisha asked where the axe head fell, threw in a bit of wood and the axe head came bobbing to the surface where they could pick it up.

Remember in the last chapter Naaman, commander of the Aramean army came to Israel seeking a cure for his leprosy? - well his cure did not seem to make Naaman favourably disposed toward Israel - Every time the army of Aram tries to conduct a raid on Israel, god warns Elisha, who in turn warns the king and locals who deprive them of plunder and fun.
Eventually the king of Aram thinks that one of his officers is a traitor in league with Israel, but eventually they figure out that it is God and Elisha thwarting their plans.
So the king of Aram sent troops specifically to capture Elisha at his house in Dothan.
Next morning Elisha's servant got up to make breakfast and notices that the city is surrounded by Aramean chariots and soldiers.
Elisha is unconcerned "those on our side still outnumber them" which is a bit of a puzzle to his servant until Elisha prayed that the servant's eyes be opened - at which point he can see surrounding the Arameans is a large horde of flaming chariots (chariots of fire - to coin a phrase!)

Elisha prayed that God strike the attacking army with blindness, then he became a very helpful local offering to guide the army to the man they seek.
Elisha led the army into the capital city of Israel, Samaria. When they are totally surrounded and at the mercy of the Israelites who could wipe them out in minutes, Elisha asked God to restore sight to the Arameans.
Finding an army at his Mercy the king of Israel asked "Should I kill them all?"

Elisha prevented the king from killing them in cold blood, instead he arranges a feast for them and sends them on their way. 
I suspect this act embarrassed them into not invading for a bit!

However some time later Ben Hadad, king of Aram invades again and has put Samaria under siege.
The conditions get so bad that food became scarce and expensive  the people even start eating the children 
The king put the blame for this situation at the feet of God and more importantly the man of God, Elisha, vowing to behead Elisha.

2 Kings 7 - I cannot leave the story here - the next chapter is just too ironic!

Elisha sent a message back to the king of Israel, "This time tomorrow the siege will be lifted, and food will sell for pre siege prices at the city gate.

The army officer who was supporting the king said "Even if the LORD should open the floodgates of heaven, this ain't going to happen" 
Elisha then tells him that due to this he would see that God's promise was true, but he would not get to enjoy it.

I'm going to leave the story here - tune in to the next post to see what happens

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