Monday, 2 November 2015

Psalm 104 A great God

Psalm 104

Praise the LORD, my soul.

Sometimes I think of God in human terms - it is easy to limit God and bring him down to human level, this Psalm kid of puts that into perspective.

LORD my God, you are very great - you are clothed with splendour and majesty.

God stretches out the heavens like a tent and lays the beams of his upper chambers on their waters

As an engineer it is sometimes difficult to ratioinalise the language of this psalm with our post Einstein understanding of physics.

The poetry of the Psalm describes God's messengers as fure, clouds his chariot 

God set the earth on its foundations, covered it with water, creating the dry land and ecosystems.

God made plants for mankind to cultivate and for wild animals and gives strength and skill to the hunters 

I'm going to borrow an idea from a character called St Linness who was the creation of a Methodist minister from Halifax -

Three men, one of them St Linness, one an artist and the third a scientist, were watching a spectacular sunset across the fields

"What an amazing paintbox God has - just look at those colours and the spectacular sunset - it's beautiful" Said the Artist.

"It is caused by the refraction of light through the atmosphere, the dust in the atmosphere is simply lengthening the wavelength which is why the sky is such a vivid red coilour. Though I have to say it is extremely pretty.

"I think the miracle is on this side of the fence - we are amazed by this beauty of God's creation" Said St Linness

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