Saturday, 15 April 2017

Proverbs 4 Listen to your parents!

Proverbs 4

This chapter is another one saying basically "listen to what I tell you" - I'm not sure about this attitude as people are fallible.

There is still some fairly sound advice here though - "pay attention and gain understanding."
The author's father apparently was also a wise and sensible person, instilling morals and a love of learning.

"Get wisdom, get understanding..."
"Do not forsake wisdom, and she will protect you: love her and she will watch over you"

Verse 7 has what may be the daftest advice I've read so far - The beginning of wisdom is this. Get Wisdom (Duh!)
Wisdom and understanding are treated of great value, "Though it cost you all you have, get understanding" (The motto of the people behind university tuition fees I feel!)

Good and moral parental instruction here is seen as a way of living a good life, we are advised to consider carefully the paths we travel on, these can be good or bad.

Personally I only have to read or listen to the news and it makes me wonder how many people today seek wisdom and understanding, how many consider carefully the paths they are on, both on a personal and national level.

Sometimes I am just reminded of the line from Yes Minister "It's the people's will. I am their leader. I must follow them."

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