Monday, 18 November 2013

Leviticus 23 & 24 More than he bargained for

Leviticus 23+24

Balaam finally meets up with Balak.
Balaam asks for 7 alters with 7 oxen and 7 rams for sacrifices.
Balaam then goes up to a high place where he can see the Israelites. 

He then goes back to Balak with a blessing for Israel 
This does not impress Balak, but he decides to try again at a different place.
He then does the same again and blesses Israel 

Balak then tells Balaam to stay silent if he is not going to curse Israel - you can hear the exasperation building a bit.

Balak then (rather foolishly if you ask me) asks Balaam to try again.
Again Balaam blesses Israel, at which point Balak goes crazy - he will now not pay Balaam what he promised and basically tells Balaam to go home without pay.

Balaam then tells Balak that his own country is basically doomed, on his way home he tells the same to the Amelekites, Kenites, Ashur, and Eber.

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