Tuesday 5 November 2013

Numbers 5+6 Shave and a Haircut?

Numbers 5 

Anybody who has leprosy, or who is ceremonially unclean for whatever reason is not allowed to live in camp they have to stay outside. There are a number of things that make one ceremonially unclean so I guess there are quite a lot of people outside at any one time

I'm not sure how it would work in practise but anybody who wrongs another person must make restitution of what was wrong plus 20%, it is good in theory.

The test for an unfaithful wife - this is outrageous! A husband can suspect that his wife is unfaithful (with or without cause), take her to the priest with a jealousy offering.
The priest then  takes some water, with floor dust, loosens the wife's hair  and make her swear that she has not been unfaithful.
He then writes a curse on a scroll and wash them off with the water/dust and makes the woman drink it.

If she is guilty she will miscarry children and get fat (or swelling in her abdomen). If she is not, nothing will happen.

There is absolutely no come back on the husband if she is innocent, nor is there any reverse test for an unfaithful husband.

I find this completely inexplicable - in pretty much the rest of the legal system in the bible there is requirements for evidence and witnesses and men and women are equal under the law.

Numbers 6 

The title of this post is taken from this chapter which covers a really odd kind of vow people used to make - the vow of the Nazirite .
During the period of the vow a nazirite may not cut his/her hair, shave (probably more of an issue for men) or drink wine, grape juice  eat grapes, or anything related to grape.
Nor are they allowed to touch a dead body - if they happen to be unlucky and somebody dies in their presence they have to start again.

I am not quite sure what kind of person usually took a nazirite vow, there are only 2 nazirites mentioned in the Bible, to save you wondering they are Samson and John the Baptist. Both of whom were special in that their parents took the Nazirite vow on their behalf and they were Nazirite from Birth all thier lives.

Numbers 6 ends with the priestly blessing,
I think that this blessing is awesome, it is so simple in just 32 words it says a lot.

May the LORD bless you and keep you:
May the LORD make his face shine on you and be gracious to you;
The LORD turn his face towards you and give you peace.

I'm not a priest but God bless you.

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