Thursday 28 August 2014

Ezra 7-10 What a priest did

Ezra 7 & 8

Ezra has yet to appear in the book that bears his name, but now he is ordered by the Emperor of Babylon, at his own request, to pay a visit to Jerusalem.

Ezra was a priestly descendant of Aaron the first high priest and had made study of the law of God his main life's work and tried to live according to the law of God.

Ezra arrived in Jerusalem soon after the opening of the temple and had taken 4 months to travel.

Ezra had been given a letter by the king instructing all people in the empire to support the Jews and give gold, silver and freewill offerings to Ezra and any Jews who chose to go with him.

Ezra realised that God was with him and gathered the leaders and refused the offer of an armed escort, but travelled with over 1100 fellow Jews.

They spent some time in prayer and fasting before the journey asking for protection.

Ezra 9 & 10

Ezra heard that the exiles who had returned during the time of Cyrus and after had not kept the law of God by giving their daughters in marriage to non Jews and married their daughters as well.

Ezra tore his clothes and pulled his hair out weeping and at the evening sacrifice time he prayed for God's forgiveness on his people.

The people saw this and were ashamed making a promise that they would do away with their foreign wives - this took rather longer than the three days that Ezra had wanted, but in the end they sorted things out.

This is a bit of a short post, but I've left out all the names.....

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