Thursday 5 February 2015

Psalm 46 God is our strength and refuge

Psalm 46

I have to say this is one of my favourite Psalms - mainly because somebody set the first part to the theme tune from "the Dambusters" which is a cracking good tune on the trombone!

verse 2 says therefore we shall not fear thought he earth give way and the mountains fall into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam and the mountains quake

The Psalm continues there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God.
In the Bible, rivers hold a special significance - Remember Naaman who was healed of leprosy by bathing in the river Jordan?

Remember Joshua and the crossing of the Jordan river in flood?
The Garden of Eden is defined as surrounded by rivers.
Looking ahead, in the book of Ezekiel a river flows from the throne of God
Looking further ahead, in the book of Revelation, right at the end of the Bible there is the image of a river flowing in heaven with trees of life growing on the banks where all are welcome to eat.

I'm a bit confused by verse 8 - Come and see what the LORD has done, the desolations he has bought on the earth - what is that all about? Does God bring desolation to the earth? And is it really God's will? 

Sure natural disasters happen, sure a great many more disasters are triggered by human activity, but is this what is meant?
I don't know - I DO know that how we respond to suffering and victims is far, far more important than asking God why he let it happen and, like Stephen Fry on you tube getting all angry with Christians.
I'm a trained first aider at work - as a first aider my duty is to make the situation better as far as I can and preventing further injury. so far, thank God, nobody has had to rely on my ministrations!

God's desolations can bring an end to wars, breaks the bow and shatters the spear, and burns the shields.

God says "Be still, and know that I am God" 

I think that we sometimes have to literally take time to follow this advice, Even if you don't believe in God, sometimes it is good to just be still and relax - who knows you may hear the echo of the voice of God when you allow the space to put the world to one side for a bit. 

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