Saturday, 3 August 2013

Abram and family

Genesis Chapter 13

Despite their lack of fixed abodes it seems that Abram and Lot (Nephew) are doing alright for themselves. 
So alright in fact that they have so many staff and animals that there is not enough resources to support both. Leading to arguments between their respective employees and family members.
Abram, to avoid further trouble decides that he and Lot should part ways. He therefore gives Lot the option of where he wants to go and offers to go the other way to avoid future trouble.

Lot decides to settle on the plains of the river Jordan where the land is fertile and life seems to be easy compared to life in the highlands. So he sets up home near a little place called Sodom – there is a cartoon with Lot looking at the sign to Sodom asking “What do they get up to there?”

Meanwhile Abram moves on to Hebron (a town still around today) having wandered around the land

There is a recurring theme in this Chapter - Abram calls upon the name of the Lord.
God promises again to Abram that the land he can see will one day belong to Abram and his descendants.

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