Sunday, 25 August 2013

Israel becomes monotheistic.

Genesis 35

In this chapter Jacob becomes monotheistic – he orders all his household to get rid of any other gods and they will worship God only. It seems Rachel nicked those gods from Laban for no purpose, as they are now thrown away.

Some people seem to think that believing in one God will somehow make you immune from pain and hardship, this is a lie, it is certainly not true, whoever said it is fibbing - do I need to go on and explain that this is complete and utter rubbish?

As if to demonstrate this point, Jacob or Israel has just made a conscious decision to wholeheartedly follow God when he experiences 2 deaths in quick succession – 
Rachel dies in childbirth, She is Jacob’s favourite wife. She died near Bethlehem and I believe her tomb is still there. The child she had difficulty giving birth to was named by Rachel as Ben-oni (Son of my pain) but Jacob thinks that is a bit of a tough name to go with names him “Son of my right hand” or Benjamin.

The other death is that of Isaac – remember several chapters (and 20 years ago) he was thinking he was at deaths door and passed his blessing on – he finally passes through deaths door some 20 years later.

I think it is interesting that Jacob and Esau both attend their dad’s funeral just as Isaac and Ishmael buried Abraham.

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