Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Abram the patient

Genesis Chapter 16
God give me patience – NOW would probably be the best summary of this chapter.

Sarai decides that, since God has promised Abram a son and she is getting on a bit, that God needs a bit of a hand and suggests that Abram sleeps with her maid servant Hagar.

Hagar, then gets pregnant and starts rubbing it in with Sarai, who complains that it is all Abram’s fault. (Husbands – you get this? I’m single so can take this at a step removed).

Hagar eventually runs away – meets with God, returns and becomes the mother of Ishmael.

Abram then has to wait for another 13 years for God’s promise to be fulfilled. He is currently 86 years old.

Those that know me well will know that I am something of a gadget freak, I like the latest and greatest and just a couple of weeks ago there was an update to the Android operating system, and I spent a good week asking my phone and tablet "Why have you not found the update yet? it is out there, go and look for it" I even went so far as to try and manually load the update into the devices.
If I get impatient for an upgrade to an operating system a week after it is promised, what would I be like waiting as long as Abram did? 

I know in my heart that God's promises are a lot better and less buggy than a new android phone system, and that he fulfills his promise at the best time, but sometimes I find myself praying "God please give me patience - Right now!"
Oh, and thanks for the gadgets, without which I would not be writing this!

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