Wednesday 26 November 2014

Psalm 17 A plea to God

Psalm 17

This is one of David's prayers, there is no background given for this so it'll have to speak for itself.

Do you remember the Lords prayer? 
the start of this psalm is somewhat different in tone

"Hear me LORD, my plea is just, listen to my cry" 
David here maintains that he is innocent of deceit and has not planned any evil, he has refused any bribes and by following the law has kept away from the paths of the violent.

"I call on you, my God, for you will answer me, turn your hear to me and hear my prayer.
Show me the wonders of your great love"

David is confident in this Psalm that God absolutely will answer when he calls - this is a contrast to Psalm 13 which we looked at in an earlier post.

It seems that David is still beset with enemies and wicked men who want to destroy him but now David's prayer is that God would hold him as the apple of his eye and hide him in the shadow of his wings from the wicked men..

You know - I never really pictured God as having wings? Though the Bible does use the metaphor of a mother bird protecting her young under her wings. 

The enemies of David close up their calloused hearts, talk arrogantly and have tracked him down and surrounded him, ready to pounce on him like a lion waiting to pounce from cover.

"Rise up, LORD, confront them, bring them down"
David prays to be rescued from those who are of the world and only the world and whose reward is in this life.
May they eat what God has stored up for the wicked, with leftovers for their children and grandchildren.

As for David, in his faith he will be vindicated and see God's face, when he wakes up we ill be satisfied with seeing God's likeness.

It seems a bit unusual to not start a prayer with "Our Father" or similar, I believe that prayer is a lot more than a set form of words.

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