Sunday, 16 March 2014

2 Samuel 6 Making Jerusalem the city of David

2 Samuel 6

Jerusalem today is one of the most contested cities in the world - it is a holy site for 3 of the worlds religions and has been the headquarters for Judaism and Christianity.

The story of Jerusalem as a world religious site starts in this chapter. King David decided to move the Ark of the Covenant - the holiest item in the Jewish faith, from Balaah where it has been kept since the Philistines sent the Ark of the Covenant back to Israel.

David arranged for a new cart to be built to carry the Ark (which is incidentally how the Philistines returned it. All was going well until the oxen stumbled and a guy called Uzzah reached out to steady the Ark of the covenant but this was seen as so irreverent an act that God's anger broke out and killed Uzzah.

In great distress - David halts the procession and the Ark is left at the house of a Gittite called Obed-edom for 3 months. During which time Obed Edom had tremendous blessings.

This time David takes no chances - he arranges for the ark of the covenant to be carried on the shoulders of priests and Levites and he makes a sacrifice when they had taken but 6 paces toward Jerusalem.

The Bible says that David danced before God on that day with all his might wearing a linen Ephod, while the people cheered and made music in celebration.

Watching from the city walls, Michal, David's wife and Saul's daughter saw David's dancing before God and despised him for showing off and having no sense of decorum or decency 

With sacrifices and blessings every person in the crowd, man and woman was given a cake of raisins, a cake of dates and a loaf of brad.

David went into bless his own family and is accosted by Michal "How the king of Israel has distinguished himself today - prancing around half naked for all the common slave girls to ogle! It was most vulgur"

David responded - "It was God I was dancing for and to - and I will become even more undignified when I do this and be stupid in my own eyes, as for the slave girls, I have their respect and will be held in honour"

Michal I don't think appears in the Bible again, and her lasting final comment is that she never had children.

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