Wednesday 24 September 2014

Job 16 - 18 Round 4

Job 16

Job is starting to lose patience with the comfort and compassion his friends are showing.- given that so far Job has spoken for 7 chapters and his friends have so far had 5 chapters between them I think Job's accusations that his friends speeches are interminable and very long is a tad unfair!

However Job is the one who has lost everything, so perhaps we can excuse him!

Job says he could give speeches like his friends if the roles were reversed, though his words would probably have been of comfort.

God has robbed Job of everything, wealth, health, and the respect of other people.
Job's friendly witness is in heaven and his intercessor is his friend.

Job 17

Though from Job's perspective the good and the wicked wind up the same, still the path of goodness is better,

Job challenges his friends to have another go at arguments, he will not find a wise man here.

Job 18

Bildad (the shortest guy in the Bible - Bildad the Shuhite (Shoe height) - get it? Ok forget it!)
If that one made you groan the next one will make your day - the second shortest is Nehemiah (knee-high Miah)

Sorry - There was no way on earth I was going through the book of Job without telling that rather old, and not very funny joke. And besides all this talk is getting heavy...

Bildad urges Job to end his speeches and grow up and be sensible so they can have a conversation.

Job is tearing himself apart in his anger- and if he had the strength surely Job would destroy the earth, move the rocks and empty the land.

The lamp of the wicked goes out - his step is weakened, his schemes throw him down and his feet walk into a trap.

The inference of this speech is that Job is among the wicked otherwise these things would not have happened to him.

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