Saturday 27 September 2014

Job 19 & 20 Round 5

Job 19

Job, showing a remarkable lack of mathematical accuracy accuses his friends of reproaching him 10 times and shamelessly attacking him - so far we are on round 5 - so this is more than a 100% exaggeration.

If Job has gone astray then his error is actually not any of their concern and if his friends think that they can exalt their position over him they should know that God has wronged Job and drawn his net around him.

Like many unfortunate people Job cries out violence but gets no response, cries out for help but finds no justice.

God is oppressing Job, blocking his way, shrouding his path in darkness, destroying his house and alienating him from his family, stripped him of his honour

Even his friends despise him and little boys mock him in the street.
Even his wife now finds his breath offensive.

Have you ever heard the expression "by the skin of my teeth?" - this chapter of Job is where that expression comes from - you learn something new every day.

In the middle of all his troubles Job in this chapter also spoke the words that inspired one of the most memorable parts of Handel's great work, the Messiah - "I know that my redeemer liveth" 

Job 20 

Zophar replies to this speech - he has been rebuked and he is troubledand from his understanding he has to reply.

Surely you know how it has been since ancient times, the mirth of the wicked is brief, the joy of the godless momentary and though the pride of the godless person reaches to the heavens he will perish just like his dung.

People search for him but he cannot be found

His food will become sour in his stomach - God will vent his anger on him and though he flees from iron weapons, he will be shot with bronze arrows.

the inference is that if the fate of the wicked so closely matches what Job has suffered than it must surely be because Job is wicked - QED

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