Job 2
Once again the Angels are having a meeting with God (ok the Bible says presented themselves before God) and once again the accuser, Satan, appears before God who asked "what are you doing here?"
"From roaming to an fro on the earth."
God asked if Satan had noticed that Job had not cursed God despite what Satan had caused Job to suffer.
Satan answered that any person could lose everything but still be philosophical if they still have their health.
God allowed Satan a free hand to afflict poor Job with illness and sickness, but he was prevented from allowing anything to end Job's life.
Satan inflicted Job with painful sores all over his body.
Job, sitting in the ashes of a fire found a scrap of broken pot and used it to scrape away the worst of his diseased skin.
Mrs Job at this point loses patience and urged Job to "curse God and die"
In the 1980's there was a comedy show in the UK called "Allo, Allo" where the main character's catch phrase when challenged by his wife was "You stupid woman!" Job's response to his wife strikes me as though Allo allo nicked the catch phrase from here - the version of the Bible I am reading translates it as "You are talking like a foolish woman, shall we only accept good from God and not trouble", but I imagine a fake French accent going "You stupid woman......."
In all this Job kept his integrity and refused to curse God.
Job's friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildud the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite, heard all of his misfortunes they went to visit with Job and agreed to meet together to offer sympathy and condolance to Job offering comfort.
On first meeting with Job they barely recognised their friend.
All his friends could do is sit down with Job and just be there for him, feeling powerless, but keeping him company. they did this for 7 days and 7 nights because they saw how badly Job had been suffering.
Once again the Angels are having a meeting with God (ok the Bible says presented themselves before God) and once again the accuser, Satan, appears before God who asked "what are you doing here?"
"From roaming to an fro on the earth."
God asked if Satan had noticed that Job had not cursed God despite what Satan had caused Job to suffer.
Satan answered that any person could lose everything but still be philosophical if they still have their health.
God allowed Satan a free hand to afflict poor Job with illness and sickness, but he was prevented from allowing anything to end Job's life.
Satan inflicted Job with painful sores all over his body.
Job, sitting in the ashes of a fire found a scrap of broken pot and used it to scrape away the worst of his diseased skin.
Mrs Job at this point loses patience and urged Job to "curse God and die"
In the 1980's there was a comedy show in the UK called "Allo, Allo" where the main character's catch phrase when challenged by his wife was "You stupid woman!" Job's response to his wife strikes me as though Allo allo nicked the catch phrase from here - the version of the Bible I am reading translates it as "You are talking like a foolish woman, shall we only accept good from God and not trouble", but I imagine a fake French accent going "You stupid woman......."
In all this Job kept his integrity and refused to curse God.
Job's friends, Eliphaz the Temanite, Bildud the Shuhite and Zophar the Naamathite, heard all of his misfortunes they went to visit with Job and agreed to meet together to offer sympathy and condolance to Job offering comfort.
On first meeting with Job they barely recognised their friend.
All his friends could do is sit down with Job and just be there for him, feeling powerless, but keeping him company. they did this for 7 days and 7 nights because they saw how badly Job had been suffering.
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