Tuesday, 23 September 2014

Job 9-11 Round 3

Job 9

Job admits that Bildud has a point, but how can a mere mortal prove his innocence to God.
Even if one wanted to argue your case before God the chances of you being able to put together a coherent argument the chances of being able to answer Gods questions are about 1 in 1000.

God's wisdom and power are limitless and nothing can resist God and come out unscathed? God can move mountains without their knowing it

When God passes by most of the time we cannot discern his passing, we cannot demand of God "What are you doing?"

If Job could plead his case before God even if he were innocent he would be convicted by some twist.

Job has got beyond wishing he had never been born, he hates his own life .

If Job were cleaner than clean, God would throw him into a pit.
Job wishes that there was some intermediary who could argue his case before God then Job would be able to stop worrying about the terrors, but right now Job does not stand a chance.

I know that this is an old testament story and that reading things into the text can sometimes be dishonest to the understanding of the text but I am going to say that as a Christian I believe and the church teaches that there is an intermediary between man and God - the person who we believe is God himself.

This same Jesus suffered all that Job suffered, and more, he was actually killed.
I know there are many more glimpses of Jesus and his work before we get to the gospels if you want to read them that way, eventually this blog will reach the Gospel accounts of the Jesus, if you want to meet him now please find a bible (there is a free version online at http://ebible.org/web/) and read about Jesus from people who actually knew him in the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke or John - failing that ask one of his followers.

Job 10 

Job is so fed up with life that he no longer cares - speaking out of the bitterness of his heart he is not holding nothing back.

He issued a challenge to God to lay charges before Job - at least then he will know what he has done wrong.

The God who made Job has torn him to pieces, apparently without cause or reason.

Job 11

Zophar replied to this speech.

Neither of his companions have managed to give Job a satisfactory answer - Zophar asks Job if he can fathom the mysteries of God

Wisdom has two sides, Job cannot understand the acts of God , but surely if Job puts aside his sin and wrong acts then he will surely prosper again.

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