Monday, 27 January 2014

1 Samuel 5 Biting off more than you can chew!

1 Samuel 5

In the last chapter the Philistines have captured the ark of the covenant - now they have to decide what to do with it.

They took the Ark to Ashdod and placed it in the temple of Dagon. 
To say I don't know much about the god Dagon would be kind of understating the situation, but I'm pretty sure that the God statue in the Temple does not regularly fall over.

When the Ark of the covenant was placed in the temple of Dagon the statue fell over during the night.
Next morning they put the statue back but the next night if falls over again and this time the hands and the head fall off and land up on the doorstep - which led to a tradition in that town, the priests refused to step on the threshold of the door.

After this the people in Ashdod started to develop tumours - at which point they decide that the ark of the covenant should not stay there so they move it to Gath.

Once it gets to Gath the people there start getting tumours as well which caused rather a panic amongst the population.

They then move the ark of the covenant Ekron where there is very strong opposition,one can almost hear the cry of "Don't bring it here!". While the Ark is there the town is infected with rats and the people are getting tumours which seem to be fatal in many cases

Eventually the Philistines come to the decision that the Ark must be returned to Israel, before they all die.

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