Wednesday, 15 January 2014

Judges 17 & 18 The adventures of a silver idol

Judges 17

The story starts with a guy called Micah (or actually his mum) - Micah nicked about 30 kg of silver from his mother, who cursed whoever took it.
Micah then confessed to his mother that he took the silver, and here it is back.

I'm pretty sure that my parents would probably react with more anger and recrimination than "God bless you my son"! 
Micah's mum then takes about 20% of the silver to a silversmith who made it into an idol.

Micah had a family shrine in his house with an Ephod (Priestly chest plate)   and household gods and his son was a family priest.

There is a repeating phrase in the book of Judges - "In those days Israel had no king and everyone did as they saw fit". It is odd, really considering that the second commandment is Do not make any images or other gods beside me - it is interesting to see how much of the law has gone by the board.

One day a Levite (licensed to conduct worship and care for the tabernacle of God) was passing by from Bethlehem looking for some kind of job.
Micah invites him to become his family priest - he will give board and lodging, all the clothes he can eat (sorry couldn't resist) and pay.

The levite is more than happy with the job offer and moves in.
Micah is pleased, "God will be good to me, I even have a Levite as my priest"

Judges 18

The tribe of Dan has failed miserably to claim the land they were given by Joshua and Moses - and at this stage are looking for an easier conquest.
At this stage, the Danites had sent out 5 leaders to find a place for them to settle.
They were passing Micah's house when one of them recognised the voice of the Levite amd asked him, what he was doing in this place.
The Levite explained about his job.
The Danites enquire of God if they will be successful in their mission, and get the answer, go ahead you will succeed.
They find the area of Lachish in the North of Israel and it is little defended, and the people have no local allies who will help them.
When the Danite army came past Micah's house one of the spies remembered Micah and his idol and priest so they go in an steal Micah's idol, ephod and household gods. They persuade the Levite to come with them and serve a tribe rather than a family 

When Micah realises what has happened he gathered his friends, anc confronted the Danites. after a couple of not very well veiled threats, Micah concludes he does not stand a chance in a fight and lets the Danites go.

The Danites set up home in the city and rename it Dan right in the north of Israel at the top of the sea of Galilee.
They set up the idol in the city and it was a place of worship until the land was conquered and the people deported.

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