Friday, 10 January 2014

Judges 9 Abimalek

Judges 9

Abimalek is one of Gideon's 70 sons. His mother apparently came from Shechem and Abimalek persuades them to make him their king rather than him and his 69 brothers.

Abimalek then murdered all of his brothers, apart from Jotham, who was Gideon's youngest son.

When Jotham heard that Shechem was going to make the murderous Abimalek king he climbed up Mount Gerazim and shouted a story more or less as follows.

The trees decided to elect a king .
They asked the olive tree who responded "Should I give up my oil to become ruler of the trees? I don't think so"
Next they asked the fig tree who responded "Should I give up my fruit to become ruler of the trees? I don't think so"
Next they asked the vine who was not willing to give up wine.
Finally they asked the thornbush - who accepted "If you want to make me king and take refuge in my shade, but if not let fire come out and destroy the cedars"

The moral was that if they had treated the family of Gideon fairly and remembered the actions of his father who had rescued Israel from Midian. Since they had connived in the murder of his brothers Abimalek would cause a fire to surge between himself and the people of Shechem.

After three years, Abimalek and Shechem had a major falling out - a guy called Gaal came along and persuaded the citizens to break faith with Abimalek.
Abinmalek set an ambush in the fields surrounding the city and when the inhabitants of Shechem came out next day they were attacked.
All that day Abimalek attacked until he was fighting at the walls and gates of the city.
He cut wood and burned the stronghold where the people were taking refuge with them inside.
He then went to Thebez where he attacked and captured the city - apart from a strong tower.
A woman had the presence of mind to drop an upper millstone from the top of the wall and it mortally injured Abimalek when it landed on his head

Abimalek got his armour bearer to run him though "So that people will not say that a woman killed me".

Guess what Abimalek - it did not work, you were killed by a woman dropping a heavy stone onto your head - I can't say "live with it" but frankly it was a suitable end for a rotten fellow. I know I shouldn't judge, but there are some people that just act rotten, and Abimalek is one.

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