Sunday 8 March 2015

Psalm 50 What does God want?

Psalm 50

First, apologies for the lack of posts recently, I'm trying to set up a you tube channel as well and it is a bit of a steep learning curve.

Hopefully things are settling down now and I can return to normal and continue both the you tube and the blog.

Anyway back to the Psalm, this one is written by Asaph 

The Psalm starts with a description of God and his character - animate, bright in glory and in command of the elements. 
God is also described as a God of justice.

God does not have a complaint that his people offer sacrifices, but he does not need them - those who follow God please him, but we cannot give him anything to satisfy his needs.

Meanwhile those who do not honour God are charged with hypocrisy for repeating the words of the Law they have no intention of keeping.
If these people see a thief they join his company and help him out, using lying tongues they speak evil and deciet and will testify against their own brother!
God may not speak up when we do these things, but don't be fooled - God is a God of justice and is not like the wicked people - one day they have to answer to a higher power.

PS my you tube channel is The Eccentric Milliner

I'm playing computer games on it...

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