Wednesday, 25 March 2015

Psalm 55 Oh for the wings of a dove

Psalm 55

One of my favourite bands is the Ska band Madness, and one of their songs I really like is "For the wings of a dove" which is reminds me of this Psalm.

The song (playing right now) is about being positive but the Psalm starts off anything but positive, David is troubled in his mind and really upset by the things his enemy is saying and their threats.
His prayer is for God to hear him and not ignore his plea and answer David.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I can really understand David, nothing is going right and God seems conspicuous by his absence.

David says here that he is practically scared to death he is afraid and trembles and horrified at his situation.
It is in verse 6 that David wishes to seek escape flying like a bird and leaving his troubles behind flee to a remote place safe from trouble and storms.

It would be really nice if God would confuse the wicked and confound their words, in the city there is violence and strife (unlike our cities?) 
It would be a noble aim to banish from our land violence, strife, anger, malice and abuse and all destructive forces. 
Hopefully we can play our part in this aim and tell our political leaders that their aims should be to make this land flow with justice, mercy and righteousness.

I'd like to share some words of Stephen R Lawhead from his "Pendragon cycle" that I really like- 
This is called "The dream of Taliesin" 

There is a land, shining with goodness
where each man protects his brother's dignity as readily as his own
where war and want have ceased and all live under the same law of love and honour

It is a land bright with truth
where a man's word is his pledge and falsehood is banished
where children sleep safe in their mother's arms and never know fear or pain

It is a land where kings extend their hands in justice 
rather than reach for the sword
Where mercy, kindness and compassion flow like deep water
and man revere virtue, revere truth, revere beauty above comfort, pleasure or selfish gain

A land where peace reigns in the hearts of men, 
where faith blazes like a beacon from every hill and love like a fire from every hearth
Where the true God is worshipped and his ways acclaimed by all.

Oh, to be able to buy a plane ticket to this land!!

In verse 12 David reveals that his enemy is actually a close friend who has betrayed him, one who David would spend happy times worshipping God together.
In fact David does not believe this man is an enemy at all "If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it"

David's response is to call to God evening, morning and noontime, God hears his cry and answers him, rescuing David from the battle.

The Psalm ends with some good advice- 
Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you:
He will never let the righteous be shaken.

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